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Best goal I've seen live (Kyle)

Kyle Thompson

In this new mini series I'm going to be doing for the website and also in video form for the 2nd channel I'm going to go through my favourite goals/moment, players and wins from games I've been to and seen live. Could even do the lowlights too in another series one day. If your reading this. Tell me your all time favourite Newcastle goal you've seen live. To all the lads and lasses on the channel. I want to know yours too. Howay. Let's get a little series going!

This idea came about through Jonny. He counted the amount of Toon games he's been to over the years. So I thought I'd do the same and then evolve it into this. Talk about a brainstorm 😂 Turns out I've been to 150 Newcastle United games. So as it's a nice number I thought i'd review what I've seen. But we'll start with best goal!

This first one l is an honourable mention. As it's definitely warrented in my opinion. This is definitely technically the best goal I've seen. But as its Newcastle it usually comes with a nice side of absolute referee bullshit. The best Newcastle goal never to stand. The late great Tiote's absolute raker vs Man City. Now this still pisses me right off this one. Outside of the Henri Lansbury game and the Burton penalty this was the worst referee decision I've ever seen.

It was an unbelievable strike. We would have been in that game too had it of stood. But it got chalked off. I still hold grudges to Mike Jones, the bloke who disallowed it!

It deserved an honourable mention in my book.

But the goal that takes it for me. Wasn't a glamorous piece of brilliance or an absolute thunderbastard of a shot that will stand the test of time. In fact the goalkeeping was really bad. And you probably see this type of goal about 20 times a season across the league. But it was the feeling and the emotion that wins this one for me.

My favourite goal took place on 24th May 2015. The last day of the 14/15 season. That season was absolute shit! Beaten twice off Sunderland, 1 win in like 13 or 14 at the time. An Awful FA cup run, really frustrating to be a fan at the time. I was so nervous in the lead up to the game that day. I honestly thought we were going to get relegated at St James Park that day and Hull were going to beat Man United to send us to the championship. And if we had've got relegated under John Carver it would've been justified. From January onwards we were absolutely dreadful.

But on that day. One man stood tall. After everything he'd been through. Battling and surviving cancer. To being told he didn't have a future by Alan Pardew. To getting an unbelievable ovation when he came on as a late substitute against Man United which is one of the most heartwarming and emotional moments I've ever had the pleasure of seeing in my lifetime.

To this beautiful goal/moment. Cometh the man, Jonas Gutierrez. After all of that he went through. Gave the performance of his life that day. Topping it all off with this goal. The celebrations were unbelievable. Just so emotional. That one we were somehow staying up and two. Watching an inspiration like Jonas Gutierrez come back from all he went through. To save Newcastle United. Just a beautiful moment. And really sums up how football is just more than 22 nackers kicking a ball around a field.

I will always hate Mike Ashley for releasing him over the phone and treating Jonas like that after years of service and a recent cancer battle. No morals in that man at all.

But this goal will stand the test of time to me. And to the poor ginger lad I raggled half to death when the goal went in. Sorry mate 😂😂

I hope you're all enjoying these articles from me recently. Since the relaunch of the website I've worked hard on my writing skills to be more consistent with these articles and really show off and push the website more as Owen has done a fantastic job of putting it all together. Definitely not a change of mindset. The website has so much potential, the relaunch and weekly articles from Sam and Rob has made me realise that.

Coming up I got the rest of this series and my weekly blog to come next week. So stay tuned for that and even more content from all our other writers. If you want to get involved just drop us a message on Facebook or twitter or however you connect with us. We'll More than happy to get you involved.

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