We are in unusual times.
We'll all be forced to watch the Toon Army on the TV, which for myself is a new prospect as this will be the first time for me this season not physically being in attendance - I will feel strange, the sense of being lost, but me & the rest our fan base will have to put up or shut up - we have no choice.
We won't go through this again in our life time (unless a second peak occurs), it's that horrible situation of football or no football - I'm very much in the 'finish the season' camp. It will be look odd, an empty stadium & even TV companies offering you fake crowd noise to enhance your experience.

I've watched almost twenty Bundesliga games now, you do change your mindset pretty quickly. At first it's very strange seeing it, with no crowd but it starts to wear off & I started to focus on the football - the Bundesliga is very similar to the Premier League, end to end & the lower sides do attack the so called bigger clubs. Where as in La Liga, which has just restarted itself - is more of a slower paced game & you never see a struggling side attack Barcelona or Real Madrid.
Eventually in the Bundesliga, crowd noises were introduced, I didn't mind it personally - it didn't enhance my own viewing experience, but it may with others - however I did chuckle at the whistles towards the referee for biased decisions against the home side. If the commentary wasn't there from the voices we know, love and hear every week, that would 100% make my experience worse.

One last thing is cardboard cut-outs, I sniggered at the thought of this but it looks actually nice in the backdrop but again, that doesn't enhance my own personal experience. Even the idea of electronic screens with fans being broadcast on with moving images may benefit other Newcastle fans' experience.
We're in a pandemic, this is a one of - get used to it as it may here to stay a while.