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The rise of the NFTV Facebook page

Kyle Thompson

11th June 2017, To you guys, it might not be a massive date in the grand scheme of things. Unless it was your birthday…. In that case.. Belated birthday wishes sent your way!

On Newcastle Fans TV it was the day Lee set 3 new Facebook admins and added 3 new members to his team on NFTV. Myself: Kyle, Paul and Mark.

Nearly coming onto 3 years ago this whole brand was really different. We had 3 presenters that have moved onto different pastures, some for the better, some not! The product was a lot different back in those days. The entire product has come on leaps and bounds in that time. And that's down to Lee weather that be purposely or by accident. Arranging one hell of a team!

But let me take you on Abit of a journey. The 3 of us joined Facebook. The page was on just over 1,500 followers. But Lee struggled to update it regularly along with Twitter, YouTube, editing, editing, editing, website, Instagram and more editing. Which is why he looked for admins on the Facebook page. As it was struggling at the time. There was very little interaction on posts and posts, in general, were few and far between. But obviously, there's a good reason for that. 1 man can only do so much…..

Myself, Paul and Mark always had a goal in mind. First, it was 5k then it turned to 10k. Then 10k turned to 15k, then 20k. And slowly building up the interacting side with all of you guys on all things Newcastle United. We managed to do that over a long time but I'm very pleased with how far it has come along. Without trying to come off as big-headed I think our Facebook pages is not only one of the best things about NFTV but on all of NUFC fan channels content on social media. It's grown into one of the best in my opinion. And that's through all of the support of you guys pushing us every step along the way. Even in the bad patches. You've been fantastic with us. Even some followers keeping us on our toes. Daniel Polley shout out to you lad. You don't know it but you we're great feedback in the early days and still are to this day. So thank you mate.

Along the way, we lost Mark just over a year ago as he left NFTV entirely. I'll admit It didn't end on the best of terms but I'd like to thank him for helping the Facebook page grow and help the channel as much as he possibly could in the 18 months he was a part of Newcastle Fans TV!

This setback didn't stop the posts or the interaction from myself and Paul. We love interacting with you guys! It's the main reason I joined in 2017, love talking Newcastle with fellow fans. Through the good and the bad.

As the Facebook page grew. The one goal in the back of mine and Paul's mind was to have Facebook overtake the YouTube channel in followers. Especially in the last 3 to 5 months, I'd say. For me, it is an accomplishment that I and Paul have worked so hard on a daily basis trying to hit. And as of today, we've finally hit it! FB is the #1 in terms of numbers on the platform of NFTV! In the words of Freddie Mercury "I thank you all!"

It is an accomplishment I am genuinely proud of. How far it has come. It's been a long road and this is just the beginning. The next big goal isn't numbers.

The main goal has been done now. The main goal now will always be posting daily and interacting with you about the thing we love and the thing we sometimes love to hate. Newcastle United.

I'll end on something Paul would say! Keep it Toon!

From #KTNUFC & Paul, your Facebook admins!

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