"It has been a great achievement by all involved. As everyone can see, the Premier League is a difficult league with a high competitive level. That is why we have to feel satisfied with what we have achieved. Because I'm a coach that comes from below. I know what happens inside a changing room and I like to be in the field and transmit something to my players. Improve them regardless of the level they have. That they learn to understand the game so they can be better. It motivates me to achieve the goals I set for myself, whatever they may be.

"Balance it is key and to get the most out of your players whether you want to win to be Champions or save the team. It depends on which team we play that we chose to play one way or another. My teams compete well and above all I like to adapt to the conditions that I have.
"I would say that we train better for our continuous games, even more than in Valencia, Liverpool, Inter, Chelsea or Napoli despite having won titles. We look for the latest technology, methodology or material. Both my assistants and I speak several languages ​​and that also usually comes to fruition. We can transmit what we want to those who are interested in improving."