“All my life, I’ve always been creative. I like art, I’ve always been pretty artistic, and I also like to be different and not follow the flow of everybody else. I like to stand out. Maybe some people look at me and think ‘what is he doing?’ but at the end of the day, maybe some people will say ‘yeah actually, that kind of goes’.
“We started going to thrift stores and just buying clothes off the rack. So we’d go in and find the best outfits we could make. I started to get a bit more into it and obviously when I turned professional and got a bit more money, I started to get better clothes.
"All my life, I’ve always been creative. I like art, I’ve always been pretty artistic, and I also like to be different and not follow the flow of everybody else. I like to stand out. From there, it shot off. Every away trip in the States I’d get a GQ magazine and just read it and see what I could pick out of it. I got more and more into it, and I feel like that’s probably my second passion now.

“Drawing things, photography, building things… I used to love building things with Lego too. I know a lot of kids do, but I loved that. Do you guys have Lincoln Logs here? They’re little logs you can use to build buildings and things. My grandparents bought a lot in Arizona and I was young at the time, but I would try to draw things to help design the house and show them how I’d want the house to look.
“I was in a school that just taught you hands-on, so instead of learning out of textbooks, you’d go on field trips. You’d do a state history course about your state, which was Washington, and instead of reading about this city or that city, you’d go there and talk to the people. The way I’ve always learned has been hands-on, so I think it’s helped build that creative side to my character.”